Female - Leadership

Welcome to Lead Your Way: Make a lasting impact on WA footy as a female leader!

Lead Your Way is a new initiative aiming to bridge the gap in female leaders across all areas of WA footy. Targeting emerging and established leaders, Lead Your Way provides access to a network of likeminded individuals equipping you with the skills, knowledge, and support to excel in your role within WA footy.

Lead Your Way is for all females passionate about footy and leadership. Recognising the diverse roles in the game, be it a volunteer, committee member, team manager, coach, umpire, captain, this program has something for you!

Apply via the registration form below to gain access to the following opportunities and events:

  • Hear from key leaders in women’s sport, driving change and equality across the women’s sporting landscape from an administrative and leadership perspective.
  • Gain access to exclusive events, webinars and development opportunities aimed at providing tangible and relevant skills to grow your leadership capacity within your community.
  • Gain access to a suite of resources, programs, and grants with ability to ease financial burdens and the potential need to balance work and volunteer commitments within an already busy schedule.
  • Gain access to a support network of staff within the WAFC who can assist in providing development and professional support.
  • Gain access to a network of leadership coaches for 1:1 support.
  • Gain access to support services that can be activated to respond to incidents and barriers.

Monday 22nd July 
Lead Your Way: Financial Mastery in Football
August TBD
National AFL BHP Leadership Event: AFL Think Big Leadership Forum (OnliTne)
Tuesday 6th August
Resilience and Mental Toughness
August TBD
Leadership Journey Series Session 4
Wednesday 28th August
Positive Communication and Positive Climate
October TBD
Leadership Journey Series Session 5
Saturday 26th October
Managing Others and Managing Change
Friday 8th November
Lead Your Way: End of Year Sundowner

Registrations for each event are available to LYW program members. Sign up below.

For more information about our Coaching events | Click Here

For more information about our Umpiring events | Click Here