Bachar Houli Foundation - Programs

Junior Boys State Academy

Join our three-day, non-residential academy, where young Muslim boys can learn the basics of football while participating in workshops on peak performance, leadership, and identity. This program is designed to foster skills, build confidence, and create a sense of community through the power of sport.

Dates: July 1 - 3, 2024

Location: Perth Football Club, Western Australia

Target Audience: Boys aged 12-14 from an Islamic background

Key Activities:

  • Basic football training
  • Leadership and personal development workshops
  • Identity and cultural values sessions

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Bachar Houli Foundation Junior Girls State Leadership Program

Join us for the Junior Girls State Leadership Program, a dynamic two-day, non-residential camp designed to empower young girls. Through engaging physical activities, health and well-being workshops, and leadership and identity development sessions, we inspire participants to reach their full potential.

Dates: July 4 - 5, 2024

Location: Perth Football Club, Western Australia

Target Audience: Junior girls aged 12-14 from an Islamic background

Key Activities:

  • Engaging in physical activities to promote fitness and health
  • Educational workshops focusing on well-being and healthy lifestyle choices
  • Leadership and identity sessions to foster confidence and self-awareness

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Bachar Houli Foundation Senior Girls State Leadership Program

Welcome to the Senior Girls State Leadership Program, a three-day, non-residential camp offering advanced sessions in physical activity, health, well-being, identity, and leadership. Our program is designed to enhance personal growth and leadership skills in a supportive and empowering environment.

Dates: July 8 - 10, 2024

Location: Perth Football Club, Western Australia

Target Audience: Senior girls aged 15-17 from an Islamic background

Key Activities:

  • Advanced physical fitness sessions tailored to enhance health and well-being
  • Comprehensive workshops on personal identity and leadership
  • Activities designed to foster resilience, self-confidence, and a strong sense of community

Register Here