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Bachar Houli WA Academy Promotes Leadership and InclusivityWednesday, October 4, 2023 - 10:20 AM

The Bachar Houli State Boys Academy Camp in WA has been hailed as a major success.

The West Australian Football Commission joined forces with the Academy to stage the camp at the Perth Football Club last week.

The event brought together young boys aged 12 to 14, offering them a platform to hone their football skills, learn about leadership and team cohesion, and discuss cultural identity and belonging.

Pinar Komur, Multicultural Officer at the West Australian Football Commission, has declared the camp a terrific initiative to foster community engagement, inclusivity and youth development.

“The camp was a tremendous success, and the boys enjoyed themselves,” Komur said.

Eighteen boys attended the camp this year, the second time it’s been held in WA.

“The feedback was overwhelmingly positive, and the parents appreciated the diverse programs,” she said.

“The boys enjoyed both the sports training, workshops and team-building activities.

“Particularly popular were the water-based team-building activities, and given it was 34-degree day they seemed to have too much fun launching water balloons at me once we wrapped up!”

The camp brought to the forefront the WAFC’s commitment to empower youth, support diversity, and promote the sport as a catalyst for positive change and community building.

WAFC coaches and volunteers played a crucial role in the success of the event, contributing their expertise, time and passion.

The synergy between football, personal growth and cultural understanding was also highlighted during the two-day camp.